Lyrics to the songs included on the CD Love Came Down at Christmas are listed below. Click on the titles of the songs to view the lyrics.
Love Came Down At Christmas
Music by Lorne Betts
Words by Christina Rossetti
Love came down at Christmas
Love all lovely, love divine.
Love was born at Christmas,
Stars and angels gave the sign.
Worship we, worship we the Godhead,
Love incarnate, love divine;
Worship we, worship we our Jesus,
But wherewith for sacred sign?
Love shall be our token,
Love be yours and love be mine,
Love to God and all men,
Love for plea and gift and sign.
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Ane Song of the Birth of Christ
Music by W.H. Anderson
Medieval Poem
I come from heavn high to tell
The best nowells that ever befell.
To you this day is born ane child
Of Mary meek and Virgin mild:
That blessed bairn benign and kind,
Shall you rejoice both heart and mind.
O my dear heart, young Jesus sweet,
Prepare Thy cradle in my spreit,
And I shall rock Thee in my heart,
And never more from Thee depart.
But I shall praise Thee ever more,
With sangis sweet unto Thy gloir;
The knees of my heart shall I bow,
And sing that richt Bawlulalaw,
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Petite berceuse du début de la colonie
Musique de Gilles Vigneault
Poésie de Robert Bibeau
Arrangement de Francine Beaubien
Il a neigé sur le bois
Et sur la rivière.
On ne voit plus les ornières
Au chemin du roi.
Fais ton somme,
Petit homme,
Un Jésus tout comme toi
Est né chez les Iroquois.
Cest un grand mystère!
Depuis trois nuits que le loup
Hurle la nouvelle!
Les renards jouent de la vièle
Tout près de chez nous.
Cloche! Cloche!
La caboche! La biche et le caribou
Sont venue voir à genoux
Et sa mère est belle
Tu seras le grand trappeur
Dont parlait lancêtre.
Rien que de te voir paraître
Les loups prendront peur.
Plonge, plonge
Dans ton songe,
Pour être un jour le Sauveur
Il faudra mon doux dormeur
Renaître et renaître
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Twas in the Moon of Winter Time
Music and words by Jean de Bréboeuf
Arranged by Francine Beaubien
Twas in the moon of winter time
When all the birds had fled
That mighty Gitchi Manitou
Sent angel choirs instead;
Before their light the stars grew dim
And wondering hunters heard the hymn:
Jesus your King is born
Jesus is born
In excelsis Gloria
Within a lodge of broken bark
The tender babe was found
A ragged robe of rabbit skin
Enwrapped his beauty round;
But as the hunter braves drew nigh
The angel song rang loud and high:
Jesus your King is born
Jesus is born
In excelsis Gloria
O children of the forest free
O Sons of Manitou,
The holy child of earth & heaven
Is born today for you
Come kneel before the radiant boy
Who brings you beauty, peace and joy.
Jesus your King is born
Jesus is born
In excelsis Gloria
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A Childs Carol
Music & Words by Donald Patriquin
Jesu so small and kind,
Born in a manger,
Born the Son of Man
Yet born a stranger
He who was pure and good
Never did cry
He born to save,
Born to live, born to die.
Mary the mother pure
Brought forth that day
Jesu the Infant child
And placed him in the hay
Be with us now dear Child,
Be at our side,
Bless all the Children
At Christmas tide
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The First Nowell/Canon
Johann Pachelbel
Accompaniment arranged by A. Truchot
Traditional carol arrangement by Stacey Clark
The first Nowell the angel did say
Was to certain poor shepherds in fields where they lay
In fields where they lay a keeping their sheep
On a cold winters night that was so deep.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell
Born is the King of Israel.
A star drew nigh to the northwest
Over Bethlehem it took its rest
And there it did both stop and stay
Right over the place where Jesus lay
Chorus X2
Then let us all with one accord
Sing praises to our heavenly Lord
That hath made heavn and earth of nought
And with his blood mankind hath bought
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Cradle Carol
Music by David Ouchterlony
Words by E.S.
The little birds praise you, the wren and the sparrow,
The rabbits and squirrels that run in the snow,
This room may be small and the cradle be narrow,
You learnd to be humble a long time ago.
O little Lord Jesus your moment is breaking,
The angels in heaven have polishd your star,
Along on the hillside the shepherds are waiting,
The wise shall grow simple and find where you are.
The angels in heaven have polishd your star,
The wise shall grow simple and find where you are.
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Silence Awhile
From Jesus My Love, My Joy
Music by Nancy Telfer
Words by Leonard Clark
Be silent, be silent awhile.
The Child is sleeping.
Gaze on Him now if you will;
Gaze on Him now if you will for your own sake.
He is not long out of heavn
Angels are keeping watch over Him still.
Do not wake.
Be silent awhile.
Catch that frail singing.
Hear what you can now;
Hear what you can now before forever it goes.
The whole earth is murmuring.
O, with what beauty that rare music flows.
Be silent awhile,
Be silent awhile.
The Child is sleeping
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Jésus naît tendre et blême
Traditional French
Piano Arrangement by Serge Lançan
String Arrangement by Francine Beaubien
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Rondel du petit noël
Musique de F.-J. Brassard
Poésie de Robert Choquette
Le petit noël en robe de laine
Dont le cur est doux comme leau qui fuit,
Trottinant dun pied denfant dans la nuit,
Rit des vilains tours dont la vie est pleine.
Il se hausse au vitre, tient son haleine
Et met dans les bas un jou-jou qui luit,
Ce petit Noël en robe de laine
Dont le cur est doux comme leau qui fuit.
Il est plus mignon quune châtelaine,
Mais son âme est large autant quune plaine.
Tel un papillon fixé sur un fruit,
Le petit noël en robe de laine
Se penche à la cloche et sonne minuit.
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He is so Sweet and Small
Words by Gerald Bullet
Music by Robert Fleming
We saw him sleeping in his manger bed
And faltered feet & heart in holy dread,
Until we heard to maiden mother call,
Come hither sirs, he is so sweet and small.
She was more fair than ye have looked upon
She was the moon, & he her little sun
Oh Lord, we cried, have pity on us all.
But ah, quod she, he is so sweet and small.
Whereat the blessed beasts with one accord
Gave tongue to praise their little heavnly Lord.
Oxen and asses singing in their stall,
The King of King, He is so sweet and small.
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The Oxen
Words by Thomas Hardy
Music by Robert Fleming
Christmas Eve, and twelve of the clock.
Now they are all on their knees,
An elder said as we sat in a flock
By the embers in hearth-side ease.
We pictured the meek mild creatures
Where they dwelt in their strawy pen,
Nor did it occur to one of us there
To doubt they were kneeling then.
So fair a fancy few would weave in these years!
Yet, I feel, if someone said on Christmas Eve,
Come; see the oxen kneel in the lonely barton
By yonder coomb our childhood used to know,
I should go with him in the gloom,
Hoping it might be so.
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Music by Nancy Telfer
Words by W.R. Rodgers
Deep in the fading leaves of night
There lay the flower that darkness knows,
Till winter stripped and brought to light
The most incomprable Rose
That blows, that blows.
Sleep then, my baby, as softly I sing;
Sleep then, my Jesus: Dream dreams of a King;
Sleep then, my baby, as softly I sing.
The flashing mirrors of the snow keep turning,
Turning and returning still: To see;
To see the lovely child below
And hold him is their only will
Keep still, keep still, keep still, keep still.
Even the doves forget to grieve
And gravely to his greetings fly
And the lone places that they leave
All follow and are standing by
On high, on high
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Summer in Winter
Music by Godfrey Ridout
Words by Richard Crashaw
Gloomy night embraces the place
Where the noble Infant lay:
The Babe lookd up and shewd his face,
In spite of darkness it was day!
It was thy day, Sweet, and did rise,
Not from the East, but from thine eyes.
Winter chid aloud and sent
The angry North to wage his wars.
The North forgot his fierce intent
And left perfumes instead of scars.
By those sweet eyes persuasive powrs
Where he meant frost, he scatterd flowers.
Welcome all wonder in one sight,
Eternity shut in a span,
Summer in winter, Day in night,
Heavn in earth, and God in man!
Great little one! Whose all embracing birth
Lifts earth to Heavn, stoops Heavn to earth.
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Coventry Carol
Arranged by Stacey Clark
Lullay lulla, thou little tiny child,
By by, lully lullay,
Thou little tiny child:
By by, lully lullay.
O sisters too, how may we do
For to preserve this day
This poor youngling
For whom we do sing,
By by, lully lullay.
Herod the king in his raging
Charged he hath this day
His men of might
In his own sight
All young children to slay
That woe is me, poor child, for thee,
And ever, morn and day
For thy parting
Neither say nor sing
By by, lully lullay.
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Lullaby for Christmas
Music by Jean Coulthard
Words adapted from an old Polish Lullaby
Lullaby, Jesus Child,
Pearl of mine be sleeping;
Lullaby, most belovd,
Watch, watch I am keeping,
Watch, watch I am keeping.
Lull-lullaby, Jesus mine,
Ill give Thee sweet berries growing;
Lull-lull-lullaby, most belovd,
Watch, watch I am keeping,
Watch, watch I am keeping.
Hush, hush, hush the babe doth rest;
Like a small, small Bird
By His mother hes sleeping.
Watch, watch, He is sleeping, sleeping.
Sleep, sweet babe, Jesus child,
Pearl of mine be sleeping;
Sleep sweet babe,
Most belovd.
Watch, watch I am keeping,
Watch, watch I am keeping.
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Cradle Song
Music by Jean Coulthard
Words by Padraic Colum
Oh men from the fields, come gently within,
Tread softly, softly, oh men coming in
Mavourneen is going from me and from you,
Where Mary will fold him with mantle of blue.
From the reek of the smoke and the cold of the floor,
And the peering of things across the half-door.
Oh men from the fields, soft, softly come thro,
Mary puts round him her mantle of blue.
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The Star Song
Music by Jean Coulthard
Tell us thou clear and heavenly tongue
Where is the babe so lately sprung
Lies he the lily banks among?
O say if this new birth of ours
Sleeps laid within some ark of flowers?
Declare to us bright star
If we shall seek him in the mornings blushing cheek?
No this you need not do
But only come and see him rest
A princely babe in his mothers breast
Hes seen, hes seen
All rejoice that we have found a king
Before conception crownd
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